About Our Foundation

Lizzy Hammond was special. She was a unique, kind, and bright light in our community who served others and loved life. Her greatest love was her family and friends, and her greatest joy came from spending time with people, caring for her pets, and giving to others. 

In 2019 when she was just nine years old, Lizzy was playing at a friend’s birthday party in South Reno. There was a bounce house in the backyard. Tragically, near the end of the party, the bounce house - along with several children inside - was swept up by a gust of wind. Lizzy was seriously injured, and days later passed away as a result of those injuries.  


Who We Are

  • Lizzy Hammond was special. She was a unique, kind, and bright light in our community who served others and loved life. Her greatest love was her family and friends, and her greatest joy came from spending time with people, caring for her pets, and giving to others. 

    She loved school and was a member of "LEGO Robotics," excelled in mathematics, received Citizenship Awards, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

    Lizzy was an amazing kid, she was a friend to everyone she met, giving encouragement, support, and unwavering love. She also had a way of communicating with all generations, she was fearless to chat with seniors, adults, and kids. She was outgoing and confident.

    Lizzy loved watching movies and TV shows about cooking, wedding dress shopping, zoos, and crocodiles, all with a bowl of popcorn. She was a committed follower of all the Disney princess movies; she adored the love stories and dressing up. She also enjoyed Star Wars and musicals such as the Sound of Music. She loved everybody in her family, her younger brother and sister were the apple of her eyes… she encouraged them and loved them unconditionally.

    Her contributions to the community are many, and all heartfelt. She volunteered for the local Food Bank, military organizations, Operation Backpack, Operation Easter Basket and Shopping with the Sheriff, to name a few. She served food at homeless shelters, held bake sales, and created soldier care packages.

    She attended patriotic events and loved marching in the Reno Veterans Day Parade, stopping to pass out American flags to spectators. Lizzy volunteered for Wreaths Across America to lay wreaths at the Fernley Veteran's Cemetery, where she is now buried. She was such a notable part of these events that the local organizations felt she was their own special mascot.

    Lizzy’s other pastimes were spending time with family, friends and her beloved animals; her dogs, cat, and goat. She was an active member of the Merry Milkers Goat 4H club and dreamed of owning a horse. The goat was just the start.

  • President: Mitchell Hammond

    Vice President: Roxanne Riley

    Secretary: Sherii Paparich Hess

    Board Member: Kim Carpenter

    Board Member: Bobby Riley

    Board Member: Cary Carpenter

  • We are not on a mission to abolish bounce houses. That is not our goal. Our true mission in the wake of an unbearable tragedy is to bring awareness and educate both parents and bounce house operators on safety practices that need to be in place. In an effort to help reduce bounce house injuries and deaths, Mitch and Wendy Hammond established the Lizzy Hammond Foundation, a 501(c) nonprofit organization whose work is centered around community outreach, educating anyone who will listen on the dangers of bounce houses, and what safety steps need to be in place before anyone enters one.

  • Think of a swimming pool. A car. A boat. A restaurant. A school. There are laws and protocols designed to protect the health and safety of children in an effort to avoid possible harm, injury or death. So why does the bounce house industry have zero regulations in Nevada? Anyone can rent, buy or set up a bounce house without any safety training or protocols in place.

    What happened to Lizzy was not a “freak accident.” Dozens of children are injured and killed each day from bounce house incidents. An average of over 10,000 children each year (according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission report from 2003-2013). That’s no accident.

  • The day of the incident, Wendy Hammond did all the “right things” an attentive mom would do. In fact, the Hammonds had a no-bounce-house rule for their children. This particular birthday party became that one exception where Wendy bent the rule, but only after checking all the safety boxes: it wasn’t windy outside, there were only a few kids in the bounce house, there were metal stakes securing it to the ground, and she was right there supervising the entire time. What could possibly go wrong?

    Weights – there weren’t any weights on the bounce house. The metal stakes securing the bounce house to the ground were not intended to hold down the inflatable against wind. Wendy Hammond - as with many parents and bounce house operators - did not realize that the stakes only ensure the bounce house doesn’t shift around while kids jump in it. The stakes are not a safety mechanism against wind. So when an unexpected gust suddenly swept through the backyard, the bounce house (along with the stakes) lifted into the air.

  • On July 19, 2019, Lizzy physically left our world, leaving an irreplaceable hole for so many. Yet, she lives on everyday through the work of the Lizzy Hammond Foundation, her family and friends, the lives she touched, and - most admirably - the three individuals who received Lizzy’s gift of life through her organ donation.

    Lizzy's parents donated Lizzy's precious gift of life to benefit others, encouraging Lizzy’s legacy of a giving spirit.

    In January 2022, Lizzy was honored on the Donate Life Rose Parade Float. You can learn more about the float and the Donate Life organization at www.donatelifefloat.org

  • If you would like to contribute to the Lizzy Hammond Foundation and spread the word about bounce house safety, please click the GIVE TODAY button below to make a tax-deductible donation today. No amount is too small. Your monetary donation helps to move Lizzy’s Law forward; organize community outreach events; build awareness; and develop programs to educate parents and bounce house owner/operators on the dangers and preventable measures.

    We are also looking for volunteers to help move our cause and mission forward! Please contact us today for volunteer opportunities, or to make a gift in kind.